Junkluggers is a nationally recognized, regional franchiser of carting services for excess home and business items that the company calls “junk.” The company focuses on eco-friendly systems that give one individuals junk a renewed life, or, as appropriate, deliver items to the requisite environmentally friendly recycle process.
Venturetec was there at Junkluggers’ inception, taking management’s ideas about a new type of eco-friendly service and transforming them into a major online, self-service innovator in their market segment. Systems for customer acquisition, self-estimation, job booking, scheduling, fleet management and appointment scheduling, back-office automation and hosting were/are all designed, engineered, and implemented by Venturetec.
Genesis Project is the first FinTech online marketplace for global blockchain hashing power. The company calls the marketplace OpenBlock. OpenBlock allows the security engine that undergirds Bitcoin, hashing power, to be distributed to non-digital currency applications, extending Bitcoin’s “self-enforcement” and “trustless” environment beyond the digital currency market to all manner of financial technology and private blockchain products and innovations.
Venturetec was there at Genesis Project’s inception, providing the entire system’s software design, engineering, and implementation.